Teddy At Night, an artist whose sound has been finely crafted through extensive global touring with diverse bands, saw his musical essence truly flourish in the vibrant city of Nashville, TN. This evolution culminated in the creation of his debut full-length album, brimming with stadium-sized, pop-infused ballads that are undeniably infectious. Teddy's music serves as a trusted companion in various settings, whether you find yourself in the midst of a late-night bar scene or seeking solace at home. His songs appear to encapsulate the very essence of nocturnal environments bathed in neon lights, blending emotional depth with an irresistible pop allure that strikes a chord with audiences in diverse scenarios.
Have you ever felt like there’s more that can be done in order to help? What is lacking besides the will to help? Perhaps motivation or a plan? These questions weigh heavily on many people, keeping them up at night even, and Teddy is no exception. His newest song “We’ll Figure It Out” is both a call-to-action and a hype-up anthem to get you to do what you need to be doing.
“This song came from a place of frustration within my own mind. I’m such a fixer and struggled big time not being able to help people in a lot of different situations. Around the time we finished it, the country was falling apart and this accidentally felt like a satirical take on the state of things all around. From relationship stuff to human rights issues, it feels like a lot can be constantly talked about but not a lot of solutions are provided. I like to be a part of change, so this song sort of became a little manifested kick in the ass to get up, talk less and do more.” – Teddy at Night
Teddy At Night’s unique brand of funky electro-pop shines just perfectly with these kinds of lyrics that are at once whimsical and deathly serious, it’s like being treated to Genesis’ ‘Land Of Confusion’ for the first time, and believe me, that’s high praise.