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Them Fantasies launch "Billionaires" into Space.

Them Fantasies|Billionaires them fantasies
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Them Fantasies launch "Billionaires" into Space.

It is said that throughout much of Celtic history, Bards could use their songs and stories to help forge or outright destroy the reputation of heroes and kings alike. In some ways, that tradition has been preserved well into our century, and while not nearly as powerful as they once were said to be, singers and musicians can at the very least give a voice to the otherwise unheard plight of the people against the injustice of the ruling class. Today's bardic trio is -perhaps aptly- named "Them Fantasies", and their irreverent and incredibly rich sound is set to poking fun at "Billionaires", those few public individuals whose wealth is so vast that it eclipses the GDP of some nations combined.

Them Fantasies self-describe as an alternative/indie pop trio currently based in LA. They first got together at the Berklee College of Music in Boston and made the move to the capital of the music industry two years ago. The band was formed by Dominic Cannarella (Lead vox, Bass), Eric McCoy (Guitars, Backing vox), and Max Meizlish (Drums, Tracks), and in a very democratic fashion, they all handle songwriting, composing, recording, and production duties alongside their live-in producer. While working on their shared project, they also act as the live band for many other artists -particularly for TikTokers- Across a multitude of different genres; they've collaborated with Charlie Curtis-Beard, Scene Queen, Emei, Grace Kinstler, Jesus Molina, and even SZA. "Billionaires" is in itself an amazing musical patchwork that incorporates a few elements of classic Spanish Flamenco with more fluid, contemporary pop. The infectious upbeat energy and cheeky lyrics are almost like a revamped proposal of both 60s counterculture protest songs and the lighthearted playful flippancy of 90's Pop-punk. Of the song's origin and conceptualization, the trio reveals: “We drew inspiration from the space race between Bezos, Musk, and Branson. It’s unthinkable that Billionaires feel there’s nothing else to accomplish on earth, so the only higher place they can go is space. We felt that this was a phenomenal topic to write about and rip into.” -Them Fantasies Not content with leaving it just at that, the band prepared a whole rambunctious music video where they take over one of those luxurious blocky-looking mansions out in the hills and donning space-program jumpsuits to poke fun at the aforementioned billionaires and what they see as silly vanity projects.



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