
Premiere: Tearing Up Shares Video for "Said Something"

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Premiere: Tearing Up Shares Video for "Said Something"

Today we premiere the video for "Said Something" Tearing Up's latest release off his recently released album Heavy. The track, dominated by a catchy flowing guitar riff a-la-Smiths, explores a subject that is very present throughout the full album, grief and loss. We had the opportunity of catching up with Graham Caldwell, the mastermind behind Tearing Up, and we talked about the album, the story behind Tearing Up, and how would a live show by the band look and sound like. Read the interview below and watch the video for "Said Something", directed by Zach Silverstein and produced by Crimson Fish. Heavy is a record that was part of a healing process for you. What do you feel now when you listen back to the songs included in the album? The first time I listened to the record after it was mastered I cried... Like most musicians, all I hear are the mistakes. Now I still hear them but they sound “right”. I’ve been thinking about “forgiveness” and how we learn to forgive those who’ve crossed us when we realize they were doing the best they could with what they had, and that’s what it sounds like to me: the best I could with what I had. I’m really happy with what we were able to make. So that’s good. That’s what I hear now. Something I made that I’m proud of. Musically, how was the process of composing the record? It was so long ago that I forget. I just made whatever I liked, recorded some voice memos and went from there. I mean, how does anyone make a song? You just bash some sounds out, see what works and what doesn’t then boom: a song. I can’t say there weren’t some great contributions from my band and Josh Korody who engineered and mixed the record. All I can say is that the songs were never finished until I was told to stop working them. Are you planning on performing the songs live? If so, how’s your live set up? No clue. It’ll probably just be me doing a long monologue talking about the last 5 years of my life and how I ended up here. I wrote the monologue already but it needs editing. I’ll probably end the set playing “White Cliffs of Dover” by Vera Lynn because I remember crying to that one when I was 12.   What’s the story behind “Said Something”? I don’t want to go into too many details but a young family member of mine died by suicide and it was a total shock to all of us. No note. No signs. Just shock. The song is meant to touch on how when you lose someone, you wrestle with how you’ll never get the answers you’re looking for. Part of grief is learning how to accept that. Tell us what you want the viewers to experience when watching the video for “Said Something”? I just hope they think it’s cool and send it to their friends. I’ve been doing this for so long and the one thing that makes it worth it is knowing that people are connecting with what you’ve made. If it makes them think about the loss in their own lives, great. If they think it’s a good song, that’s great too.



Photo Credit: Kate Dockeray

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